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How Attack Path Modelling from Darktrace can help you prevent your next cyber-attack

Webinar Your security teams have a tough job, overseeing a multitude of systems, controls and alerts to try to stop cyber attackers from penetrating corporate environments.

But how much do you actually know about how your carefully constructed defences will stack up to an intruder? Finding ways into complex defences is what cyber=adversaries do all day, every day, which means they can likely find paths through your systems that you may never have conceived of.

That’s why Darktrace has figured out how to think like an attacker.

New technologies can help you understand how an attacker can enter your organisation, move through it, and target your crown jewels. Attack Path Modelling has been a topic of dedicated research at Darktrace in recent years, research that is now part of Darktrace Prevent, a new product family.

You can find out more in this upcoming webinar, “Attack Path Modelling” on March 9 at 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT.

Our own broadcast pathfinder Tim Phillips will be joined by Darktrace’s global CISO, Mike Beck, and they’ll be discussing how to use Darktrace’s Prevent product family to take an adversarial mindset to bolster an organisation’s resilience against cyber-attack.

They’ll explain how Attack Path Modelling is essential to this approach, and how self-learning AI is a critical component to identifying your organisation’s crown jewels, and understanding how to protect them.

You’ll also learn how the technology disrupts the disruptors by giving security teams the ability to assess risk, identify vulnerabilities, and take countermeasures to protect key assets.

All you need to do to join this fascinating session is head here and register. We’ll make sure you’re gently reminded on the day.

Then sit back and learn how the mind of a cyber attacker works.
