Webinar Rubrik Zero Lab’s annual report on the state of data security is not a comfortable read. And as if to prepare you for what lies inside, the company has called it ‘The Hard Truths.’
What Rubrik Zero Labs spell out in its extensive research document is that we are all on the frontline when it comes to malicious actors. There is barely an external organization which hasn’t faced an unwanted attempt to compromise data backups. And of the 93 percent of external organizations which have suffered those attempts, 73 percent of the incursions have been at least partially successful.
It is a frightening scenario, not least because there is so much data already out there, while the average organization is predicted to triple the volume it stores in the next five years. As ever, intelligence and information is key. Rubrik Zero Lab’s research includes insights from over 1,600 IT and security leaders and includes perspectives from other cybersecurity organizations.
Join the Register on 14th June at 5pm BST/12pm EDT/9am PDT as Rubrik presents the results of its in-depth study. The company will detail how often organizations are facing cyber threats and how many ultimately resort to paying a ransom demand before going on to consider the emotional, reputational, and economic impacts of a cyberattack.
Usually seen as the last line of defense during a crisis, existing data back up and recovery systems and their associated processes may no longer be enough to mitigate the threat, so maybe it’s time to think about something that will.
Sign up for our “Rubrik Zero Labs – Inside the state of data security” webinar here and we’ll send you a reminder when it’s time to watch.
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