Webinar DevOps and continuous delivery have revolutionized software development and productivity over the last decade.
But as robust and resilient as today’s development pipelines are, it’s become increasingly clear that they can be derailed by a comparatively simply security incident.
Proof? The mess caused by the Log4Shell debacle last December, when the need to perform essential emergency surgery on in-development and deployed software tied up tech teams for days and weeks, leading to a plunge in productivity.
But with the number of zero day vulnerabilities being uncovered only set to increase, dev and security teams alike need to plan for how to remediate security flaws – and deal with attacks – while keeping the CI/CD pipeline flowing.
And that’s why you should join our upcoming webinar, Remediating Vulnerabilities Without Derailing Productivity, on March 24th, 11am GMT/ 12pm CET.
Our own broadcast pipeline Tim Phillips will be joined by Peter Chestna of Checkmarx, who will be discussing how you can achieve your development goals without compromising security.
They’ll be picking apart the true scope of the mess caused by Log4j last year and analyzing the reasons why most companies struggled to address it quickly enough.
But they’ll also walk you through the steps you can take to be ready for the next zero day vulnerability of this scale – because make no mistake, there will be another. This includes building security into your CI/CD pipeline from the start and embedding security into your team’s very DNA.
All you need to do is head here and register, and we’ll make sure your diary is updated, and that you’re gently reminded on the day. Forewarned is forearmed, so make sure you’re pre-booked for this deep dive session.
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